Welcome to the Grace Ministers' Conference!

In seeking to fulfil the gospel ministry, one will inevitably at times feel spiritually spent in carrying out this great responsibility. It is for this reason that we believe that the Grace Ministers Conferences are essential in providing the spiritual refreshment and encouragement pastors and their wives need in church ministry.  

Day Conferences

Previously we held annual three-day retreats, but moving forward this conference will generally be held once a year over two consecutive days. From 2022 onwards, this will be held once per year, at Honeyridge Baptist Church in Johannesburg. 

During such a conference the programme will consist of excellent preaching and teaching from the Word of God by well-known and carefully chosen reformed minsters of the Gospel.

The purpose of these conferences will be to reinforce spiritual truths that made the church of Jesus Christ healthy in the past, and at the same time, to present refreshing perspectives on God's Word that are relevant and meaningful for ministry in the 21st century.

Apart from the teaching, there is also stimulated thinking and heart-warming fellowship.

Who can attend?

This conference is designed for men who are ministers of the Gospel and Theological students who are preparing for ministry, as well as elders of churches. Such brothers are welcome to bring their wives along so that they, as a couple, can have the privilege to be both spiritually fed and uplifted. Husbands and wives will also have the opportunity to interact and have fellowship with others who are in the ministry.

Past Testimonials

Click the button below to read what some of our past attendees had to say after attending a Grace Ministers' conference.

Take me to the Testimonials